On Wednesday, August 17th, I received a voicemail from the nurse practitioner in the surgeon’s office. She said she had further testing results from Pathology and that she would call me back. I knew they were requesting receptor testing, so I thought she was calling to give me those results. When she called back later in the day, she said she knew she had left a strange message. She told me that the reason for her call was to let me know that upon further testing, Pathology had determined that what was found was atypical hyperplasia rather than ductal in situ. In other words, it wasn’t cancer! And, unless testing following surgery revealed something different, no radiation would be required. Wow! Not only had God taken away the cancer and radiation, He had let me know that before I had the surgery!

When I returned to my prayer room that evening, it was with rejoicing before my Heavenly Father. Just as hearing those dreaded words is unexplainable, so is the feeling of gratefulness and relief I felt that night. The awe at how God had blessed me was incredible. He was so merciful to me and I couldn’t thank Him enough. So instead of going into surgery afraid and with uncertainty, I went through it rejoicing that I didn’t have cancer! Needless to say, the surgery experience was much easier to deal with than it would have otherwise been!