I am sharing from an article at about.com, The Stress Management and Health Benefits of Laughter, by Elizabeth Scott, M.S. Ms. Scott suggests ways to find laughter in life. These include:

• Comedy in movies or television

• Spending time with friends. Whether you are sharing a fun movie or having a game night, relaxing with friends is one of the best times to enjoy laughter.

• Finding the humor in life. This is my favorite way. Life is so much more enjoyable when we allow ourselves to laugh off day to day stresses. Why get upset when little things don’t go smoothly? It certainly doesn’t make things any better. In fact, it just makes us feel worse. I choose laughter. And it is, after all, my choice.

As you go through the day today, look for ways to lighten your attitude. Laugh and enjoy each moment. If you do this, you will be well on your way to living . . . life to the fullest.