smileDo you need an attitude adjustment? Your attitude affects everything! It determines how you feel, what you do, how you treat other people . . . If it is that important, don’t you think it is worth the time to do an attitude self-evaluation once in a while? I certainly do!

How have you been feeling lately? Happy, enthusiastic and motivated or worried, tired and stressed? If your answer is closer to the first three, then good for you! If you feel more like the latter three, then I have a recommendation for you.

Take out a piece of paper and begin writing down all the things that are good in your life. And don’t think there aren’t any. Are you alive and breathing? Is there someone in your life who cares about you? Do you have food to eat and a roof over your head?

Put the list in a place where you will see it frequently. Begin to focus on the good and be grateful for what you have instead of concerned about what you don’t have.

Choosing to live a life of gratitude will immediately improve your attitude! Being grateful will take you a long way toward living your life to the fullest.