jumpFear is one of the greatest causes of an unfulfilled life. Whether it’s fear of what other people will think, fear of failure or maybe even fear of success, it keeps you where you are comfortable rather than taking a risk.

Why would you want to start a business, look for a new job, or attempt to begin a new friendship? Your life is just fine and you are OK with it as it is. Why upset the applecart?

Why not upset the applecart? There is more to life than you are currently experiencing. If you feel deep down inside that it is time to share your talents and see if that side business you’ve been thinking about for years will work, then go for it! If you have been preparing yourself for more responsibility and that new position that was just posted looks interesting to you, then apply for it! If you have grown emotionally and feel that you need more challenging relationships, get yourself out there so you can meet people!

If you don’t act on what is in your heart, you will remain discontent and unfulfilled. When you have a dream that is ready to be experienced, it is worth the risk.

If you don’t step out, you will be missing out on living . . . your life to the fullest!