10516879_10152506045117708_8668421291238519753_nI saw this song title recently and was hit with a very different thought than usual. Thankfulness that I can depend on Jesus is what I usually think in response to this song. However, the opposite is what I experienced this time.

What if I had to live without Jesus in my life? I don’t even want to think about life without Him, but I did for the purpose of this writing. I would feel lost from the very beginning of the day because my first thoughts in the morning are of Jesus and how thankful I am for His blessings.

Not being able to trust God for whatever may come throughout the day would be a huge loss. Worry, anxiety and fear would probably replace the peace and joy I currently experience.

Then, what happens when bad things occur? Now I go to the Lord in prayer believing and He answers and works all things for my good. Whether that requires a miracle or a change of heart and attitude in myself, God always comes through. Not being able to depend on Him would eventually result in feelings of hopelessness.

This exercise of thought has created an even greater amount of gratefulness in me. We must be careful not to take our blessings for granted.

Take time to recognize what you have so you can live! . . . life to the fullest.