IMG_0252I went to Franklin, TN for a coaching meeting this past week. I checked into the hotel and then went out to get dinner to take back to the room so I could have some down time. I drove a bit too far and ended up having a much too long drive trying to find my way back. Franklin is a small, very nice place so I wasn’t afraid, just a little frustrated at the time I was spending riding around. I ended up stopping by a church and asking for directions. Three very nice people were happy to assist and encourage me. With their directions, I drove straight to where I wanted to be.

This experience made me think of how we are in life sometimes. I knew I wasn’t very far from where I wanted to go, but was wandering around and unable to find it on my own. It was only when I asked for help that I was able to get where I needed to be.

Sometimes we know we have a specific purpose and we really want to fulfill it, but we just can’t seem to get there on our own. We may even recognize that we are living in the vicinity of our purpose, but just not exactly in our sweet spot yet. That is when we need to ask for help, first from God and then possibly from someone else as well. Having the insight of another person helps us find our way. Our asking also gives opportunity to others to assist, which is fulfilling for them.

If you want to discover your purpose, be open to assistance from others so you can begin now to live! . . . your life to the fullest.