Quotations inspire me. One that has greatly affected me is, “Do what you should do, when you should do it, whether you feel like it or not.” Don’t we often allow ourselves to become so immersed in the activities of life that we let some essential things slide? It is the things that appear urgent that get our attention and effort when the important things that contribute to our wellbeing get pushed to the back burner.
Sometimes we may just not want to do what we know we should. Maybe we aren’t in the mood for it when the time comes. We can always find a justification, or excuse. If we let things go too long, it can negatively affect our health, energy level, and even our self-confidence.
My son was in a children’s musical many years ago about a creek bank. For some reason, one of the songs from that musical has stuck with me all these years. It went something like, “I wish I was a fish, a swishing in the water. I’d do the things I wanted to and not the things I otter.” That sounds like fun, doesn’t it? The truth is that when we find ourselves with the freedom to do whatever we want, any time we want, it loses its attraction.
Appreciate the responsibilities of your life. Embrace the activities that make life worthwhile. Do what you should do, when you should do it, whether you feel like it or not so you can live! . . . life to the fullest.