996765_985682518121346_5303550689032164571_nI love the Christmas song, Silver Bells. There is a line in the song that talks about shoppers rushing home with their treasures. Shopping is one of my favorite things to do. It is great to find that special thing that is exactly what you were looking for, and it is even better when it is on sale and you have a coupon for 25% off! Love those bargains.

Those items that can be purchased are not really our treasures. The special people and relationships are the true treasures. I witnessed an invaluable experience just yesterday. A very special gentleman, Sidney Bearden, is a member of the church where I worship. He is 97 years old and rarely able to attend services any more. I was walking through the foyer when I saw him coming toward the door with his youngest daughter yesterday. I had the privilege of holding the door for them and being the first to greet him at church. It warmed my heart that he was there to worship with his family and his church family at this Christmas program.

A candlelighting was a part of the program. Later in the day I saw the priceless picture that his daughter posted on facebook. With her permission I am sharing that picture with you. Words cannot express the beauty of that one moment.

I encourage you, as we enjoy this Christmas week 2015, to take time to recognize and cherish those special moments so you can live your life to the fullest.

Merry Christmas!