fa7875a51f4171a13d24e3258ab0cb71I have often heard of people who select one word for their theme, or goal, for a new year rather than making resolutions. Identifying a clear direction for your life helps you stay focused so you are more likely to achieve your goals.

For 2015, my word was Establish. I had been working for a while toward getting my coaching practice going, but had not made a lot of progress. Since I made a big change at the end of the previous year by retiring from my full-time job so I would have more time for coaching, the time was right. I wrote my word, Establish, on a piece of paper and placed it in my office where I see it regularly. I looked at it with hope at the beginning of the year and now I look at it with a smile. The times I looked at it throughout the year, it reminded me of my overall goals.

My goal for 2015 was to establish my new life, develop myself and get the business up and running. It took a while to make the adjustment by trying new things, discontinuing what was not the right fit for me, and setting up a schedule that would enable me to make progress. I believe that when we do what we know to do, and sincerely try, that God will begin to open the doors for us. This is exactly what happened for me. I was offered a part-time job working a few hours per week, which gives me structure. Then I set aside specific times for writing and sharing. The events were on the calendar and additional opportunities came along that helped me to make major strides. I am pleased with the progress of 2015.

So here we are about to enter another new year. I just wrote my word for 2016 on that piece of paper underneath last year’s word. Now I am looking with gratitude at my 2015 word and with expectation at my 2016 word, Expand.

What will 2016 hold for you? I encourage you to write down your one word and place it where it will be seen regularly so you are ready to live your life to the fullest.

Happy New Year!