You would expect to hear from me how to set goals, be active and achieve more. However, this week I am encouraging you to rest.
Our women’s Bible Study last week talked about resting in the Lord as encouraged in Matthew 11:28-29. The next day the devotion I read discussed the same topic and scripture. And then, the next day I listened to a sermon that I had recorded weeks earlier that included the same thing. I’ve learned to take notice when those things happen! We need to find our rest, our peace, in the knowledge of God and His sovereignty and reign in our lives. This is the only true and lasting peace, and it will carry us through every season of life.
We also, however, must recognize our need for physical rest as well. There typically is a lot of sickness during the winter. Do you know what is the best thing for getting well – rest. You see, our bodies were created with the need for regular rest. If we don’t get the proper amount of sleep each night, we begin to experience fatigue. In fact, when I don’t get my required hours of sleep, I find that I can’t think straight and just don’t function well. However, when I occasionally get more sleep than the hours my body requires, I don’t feel and function appropriately either. Interesting.
In addition to sleep, it is important that we take time to just “chill” and do something that relaxes us. That may be reading an intriguing book, watching a movie or listening to music – whatever takes you away from the busyness of life. I’ve noticed that if I don’t get my weekly downtime, it affects my productivity in life.
Our needs are just as unique to each of us as our strengths and abilities. I know people who only need five hours of sleep. I have, at times, kind of envied that because I need a good eight hours to feel rested and productive.
So, yes, I encourage you to get the rest and relaxation your body needs so you can live! . . . your life to the fullest.