purposeI know of a person who really doesn’t want to live. He thinks he doesn’t have anything to live for. This saddens me so much. Hearing about him caused me to think about all the reasons I have for living.

I’m very grateful for life and even though things aren’t always the way I would like for them to be, I am thankful.

It is during those less than awesome moments that it is important to know why we are here. The tough times remind me of the quote by Viktor Frankl, “when you know your why you can endure any how.”

When we know our true purpose in this world, and are working diligently to fulfill that purpose, it somehow makes it easier to push through and accomplish what we know we were meant to do.

How do you answer that question today? Why are you here? What is your true purpose? If the answer comes readily to your mind, then I congratulate you for your self-awareness. If you can’t immediately answer, then I encourage you to get to know yourself better and seek until you find your why.

You must know why you are here before you can live . . . your life to the fullest.