IMG_0152Have you noticed lately how varied the weather has been?! One day last week I felt overjoyed on my drive into work because the sun was shining brightly, the sky was clear and I just felt so alive and happy!

The very next day it was pouring rain and very gloomy for the drive to work. I couldn’t help but think about what a dreary day this would be (that is, until I reminded myself that it was my choice what kind of day I had and it was not dependent on the weather).

It has been so comfortable lately that I forgot to grab a jacket on the way out on a day that was going to cooler. Temperatures have been extremely variable from one day to the next.

Isn’t this just the way life is? We don’t know what a day will bring. One day may go smoothly and we are super productive at work. The next day we may feel pounded over the head by Murphy’s Law – everything bad that could happen, did happen. One day we feel confident, intelligent and productive. The very next day we feel like a complete failure in life – that we got nothing accomplished and we did one stupid thing after another.

The truth of the matter is that external circumstances do not dictate our feelings. It was easy to feel great on that beautiful day last week, but it took some effort to feel great on the dreary, rainy day. We must pay attention to where our minds take us. If we see we are headed where we don’t want to go, then we can make the choice to turn our thoughts around. We can’t control the weather, but we can control ourselves!

Choose the sunny side of life – no matter what is happening on the outside. That’s when you will be able to live! . . . your life to the fullest.