One of my greatest challenges since retiring from my full-time job about 19 months ago has been keeping myself physically active. I spend a lot of time writing and working at the computer.
When I worked full-time at UAB, I walked the halls during lunch breaks. It was the perfect place to walk because it was indoors and with so many of the buildings being connected, I could walk long distances without repeating a route. I walked those halls for many years. I walked five blocks to my car most afternoons as well.
These walks kept me feeling good – both physically and emotionally. Activity not only increases energy level, but improves mood and reduces stress.
I tried several different ways to include regular activity in my schedule after retirement, but I just hadn’t been able to maintain anything long-term.
Barklee, my special little friend at home, came to the rescue! For several years I had been letting her out on her own and she would come back to the door and bark when she was ready to come in. Occasionally she would eat something while outside that made her sick. A few months ago, this was happening so frequently that I stopped letting her out on her own and began taking her out on a leash.
A few weeks ago I was sharing with my personal life coach that I wanted to start walking at least 10 minutes per day. A short walk is better than none at all, right? I told my coach that I was sometimes out that long with Barklee in the morning. Then came the “aha” moment! Instead of going out in the yard in my pjs, I could put on clothes quickly before taking her out and walk her around the block rather than just standing in the yard waiting for her.
You see, I had heard someone suggest that an effective way to start a new habit is to add it onto something you are already doing. I had done this quite successfully with something else. Just making that statement out loud to my coach helped me process this new idea!
I have walked, or done a combination of walking and jogging, for 10 minutes or more every day that I was home since then! And guess what! I feel so much better – both physically and emotionally. Barklee is happier, too!
What is that one simple change you can make in your life that will help you to live . . . your life to the fullest?