The way to get the most out of life is to stretch yourself out of your comfort zone.  Untitled design (1)That is where fulfilled living occurs.

Living the same day after day and year after year keeps us in the same place.  It becomes comfortable and we become complacent.  As long as things are going reasonably well, there is often no motivation to change.  However, the person who really wants to live their life to the fullest will begin to feel uneasy and restless.  Discontent with this so-so life begins to cause them to look around at new possibilities.

Taking just one little step toward something new allows us to feel a little freedom, which encourages us to take another and yet another step.  With each step we feel better, stronger and happier.  Just as stretching and exercising our body makes us stronger, healthier and happier, so it is with life in general.

How can you stretch yourself?  What is the next step toward your fulfilling life?  I encourage you to take that first step so you can live! . . . your life to the fullest.