If you want to live a life of abundance and fulfillment, then I have a tip for you. Fail.
Yes, you read that correctly. You see, true fulfillment does not come in your comfort zone. When you get outside your comfort zone, then you risk failure. Therefore, if you don’t risk failing, then you don’t grow into that place of abundance you desire.
One reason people don’t want to take a risk is because they want to be sure what they produce is perfect, or at least done well. However, if you wait for perfection, you may not ever take action. Robert H. Schuller says, “Better to do something imperfectly than to do nothing flawlessly.”
I recall a story about an art instructor who was teaching a pottery class. At the beginning of the term, he told the class that the left side of the classroom would be graded on the weight of the pottery they create during the term and the right side would be graded on one piece of pottery, for quality only.
When the term ended, the left side of the classroom made the most pots, and the best pots. They made pot after pot, learning as they went along. Making mistakes, and learning from them, caused them to improve, which resulted in the best pots. The other side of the classroom spent their time researching and learning how to make the best piece of pottery rather than actually getting the experience of making it.
I heard recently of someone who actually sets a goal to fail at least five times per month. Crazy? Not at all. Their logic is that failure is inevitable if they are going to become what they want to be, so the more they fail, the more they achieve.
We must be willing to take a risk before we can succeed. I challenge you to begin doing the things that will put you out of your comfort zone. Only then will you live! . . . your life to the fullest.