Action does not always effectively move us toward our goals. We must make sure we are taking the appropriate action. Action is either massive or passive.
Massive action is continuing to act until we achieve our goal. We often begin well and make a little progress, but when we run into roadblocks we just give up instead of finding the detour. This action can be deceiving. We feel better about ourselves because we are doing something when we really aren’t accomplishing anything. It is only when we press through and continue trying different things until we actually achieve what we initially desired that we can claim massive action.
Passive action is another way that we may deceive ourselves. This type of action is intellectual and does not cause us to achieve our goals. We may spend a lot of time thinking about it, reading, studying, researching and learning about it. We may talk about it and get feedback from others. We may even go as far as to create a detailed plan. But until we begin actually take the steps to make it happen, our action is only passive.
Having “learner” as one of my top five strengths in the StrengthsFinder 2.0, it is very easy for me to get lost in passive action. I truly enjoy learning and gathering information. This helps me and keeps me encouraged. However, my true fulfillment comes when I share that information with others and help them achieve their goals.
What would you like to achieve? Are you taking action toward your goal? Is your action massive or passive? I encourage you to begin today to take massive action so you can live! . . . your life to the fullest.