The proof of your passion is in your pursuit. I have a rather comical example of pursuing something you really want. On our recent road trip vacation, my friend and I had a general direction and some definite destinations planned, but we hit the welcome centers as we entered each state to find out what additional sites we might discover.
The attendant at the Wisconsin welcome center was especially helpful. One of the things he mentioned that was along our path was a special pastry that originated in Racine, Wisconsin. Now that immediately piqued my interest because I love pastry and had already been checking out bakeries in Galena, Illinois where we had just left, without success. Racine was now on our destination list!
Racine was first on the list that particular day and not far away, pastry was the reason for our visit there, so we decided to have Kringles for breakfast. We drove to the “bakery” we selected, but when we arrived discovered it was a business that made and shipped Kringles. We could have bought a frozen one, but that is not what we had in mind. We drove to our next choice of bakery, but it was not in a good area and was not what we expected. We went in search of the next bakery which was quite a drive. This bakery was not impressive either but we were determined to have a Kringle so we went in. We expected to buy a slice of this delectable treat, but the only one sold in slices was pecan. We ended up buying a whole custard-filled, chocolate iced Kringle. Since our vision of having pastry at a nice little bakery with bistro tables on a sidewalk was not going to happen, we drove across town for our first view of Lake Michigan. We sat in the car and ate the whole Kringle! By that time it was quite late and we were hungry! This proved to be one of our most treasured memories from our trip.
Pursuing Kringles was a fun adventure and although it didn’t turn out just the way we had expected, it was actually better in the longrun!
What is that thing in life that you are passionate about? That dream you have not yet seen fulfilled? That place in life you have not yet reached? Are you truly pursuing it? Do you still reach for it even though you might have several detours along the way?
Just as we were blessed with the beautiful scene of Lake Michigan (see picture) in addition to our initial goal of a Kringles breakfast, there is no limit to the joy and unexpected blessings that are available to you when you truly pursue your life’s passion.
Go for it . . . so you can live! your life to the fullest!