The story is told of a pig who somehow got out of his pen and wandered to a neighboring estate.  He went behind the carriage house and filled up on garbage and wallowed in the filth.  When he returned home the hens asked  him what he saw while he was there.  They had heard there were beautiful paintings, tapestries and lots of gold and silver.  The pig responded that he had seen nothing like that, just dirt and garbage.  That’s what he looked for, so that is what he saw.

Our life is the same way.  If we go around looking for reasons to be despondent and unhappy, we will find them with no trouble.  When we expect the worst, that is usually what we get.

The opposite is also true.  If we choose to look for positive and beautiful things, that is what we will find.  I’ve always heard that beauty is in the eye of the beholder.  We can control what our eye sees by controlling what our mind thinks.

Choose beauty so you can live! your life to the fullest.