Following traditional and proven ways of doing something is often much easier than considering a new approach.  We can get stuck in the routine rather than searching for a fresh, innovative option.

The predictable route is alright if you are content with same.  However, if you want more out of life than what you have had up to now, you must open your mind to new ideas.

Everyone is unique.  We all think differently, act differently, process differently.  Listen to people who see things differently than you see them.  Instead of shutting them off because you may not agree completely with all they do and say, take time to hear them out.  There is more than one way to do it – whether or not you agree.

You can choose to do it the way you’ve always done it, but be open enough to consider a change first.  You might just learn something and find a better way!  If you don’t keep an open mind, you will never know.

Open-minded thinking will help you to live . . . your life to the fullest.