You are only as old as you feel. Have you ever heard this saying?
I agree somewhat with this statement. However, knowing that it is our thoughts that determine our feelings, maybe that is where we should begin.
I have known young people who drag themselves around like an old person who can barely function. Yet, I have known older people, even into their nineties, who are energetic and lively. If you spend much time with either of these it doesn’t take long to recognize the cause.
Even with a 90 year old body, the person who maintains a young mindset tends to appear much younger. Thinking young causes you to feel young. Feeling young causes you to act young. Acting young causes results equal to that of a younger person.
How do you keep thinking young?
One way to maintain a young mindset is to never stop learning and growing. Keep seeking out new things to try, new books to read, new places to see, new adventures to experience. An open mind to fresh ideas helps you to broaden the scope of your life.
Focus on the positive and show gratefulness for each day. Look for fun in your daily activities, even those that can often be mundane. Make it a game. Time how long it takes you to complete your chores around the house. Keeping your thoughts on the bright side makes for a happier life.
Physical activity energizes us. You may no longer be able to do what you did in the past, but you can still do something. Do that something with all your might and be thankful for what you can do.
So, how old are you? Think, feel, act and be young so you can live! . . . your life to the fullest.