The story is told that Nicolo Paganini, the great violinist, willed his violin to the city of his birth, Genoa. He did this on one condition – that it never be played. As a result of this lack of use, the violin decayed. This beautiful, magnificent instrument was worm-eaten in its case.
What a sad waste! Something so beautiful that brought so much joy to its owner and many other people just left to deteriorate by itself. That is a sad story.
Even more disheartening is the fact that just as this violin, a once vibrant life, when withdrawn from service to others, loses its meaning.
A person can get to this place for many different reasons. They could rise to a place of affluence and become the one who is served and lose sight of the joy of giving. Or, a person could become so down on themselves that they no longer feel they have anything to offer anyone else. A more likely scenario is that a person simply becomes so busy with trying to keep their own life afloat that they don’t even think about anyone else.
Whatever the cause, a life without meaning is unfortunate and sad.
Take a look at your life. Are you making a meaningful difference in the lives of those around you?
Serve and give to someone and and you will be able to live . . . your life to the fullest.