My dog, Barklee, and I were enjoying some quiet time on the back porch.  I was in the rocker with my computer and she was sprawled out in the sunshine.  It was a beautiful day.

Barklee looked so peaceful and comfortable.  Then she hears the slightest sound – the buzzing of a bumble bee, a child’s sweet voice or a distant lawnmower.  Immediately she is up running around and barking loudly.   In an instant her peace is gone.  Eventually she would settle back down in her sunny spot and was soon resting again – until the next sound at which time the process began again.

She was safe in the screened in porch.  There was no real reason for her concern.  But she still allowed herself to be disturbed.

Aren’t we often the same way?  We are strolling along in life and all is well.  Then, all of a sudden, we hear a small noise – a friend makes a comment that we don’t understand, an unexpected expense arises this month or there is another burglary shared on the news.

We are still safe.  We still have our friend and the money is set aside to cover extra expenses, but we allow ourselves to get all upset and therefore lose the peace we were enjoying before.

My dog just reacts like dogs do.  We, however, can choose our response to what comes up in life.  Don’t let just simple inconveniences distract you.  Instead, keep your focus on the long term good.

Keep the peace – yours.  This will help you live . . . your life to the fullest.