Do you have a one track mind?  Are you open to new things?  Do you even consider something that takes you on a different path?

There was once a young shepherd minding his sheep.  A group of men instructed him to cry “wolf” if he saw a wolf and they would come to his rescue.  The next day he saw a lion and immediately called out, “lion, lion.”  No one came.  Several sheep were killed.

The young boy was upset and asked the men why they didn’t come when he called.   They responded that there were no lions around there and they were concerned only about wolves.

A valuable lesson was learned by that young shepherd:  people only respond to what they are prepared to believe.

It is often easy for us to close our minds to things we have not experienced before.  This can prevent us from even allowing ourselves to consider something new.  As with the young boy and the men in the story, this could result in danger for us or others.

One major consistency in life is change.  Your life will not always be the way it is right now.  There is room for improvement and quite frankly, I want to improve.  I want to be the best person I can be and help other people desire that for themselves.

Don’t settle for what you currently know.  Learn more.

Don’t stay where you are in life now.  Grow.

There is so much more to enjoy, more places to go, more things to do.

Choose to see opportunity so you can live  .  .  . your life to the fullest!