How could I possibly be bored when I have so much to do?!

Boredom is not just the lack of something to do.  It can also be lack of interest in what you feel like you have to do.  That could be work on a job or responsibilities outside of work.

Like everything else in life, it is about what you think.  So find a way to change what you are thinking.

Why not make the day a game:

  • Make a bet with yourself that you can get everything done that has to be done before the end of the day.  Reward yourself when it is done.
  • Change the order of the day.  Handle email during the mid-afternoon instead of just before lunch.  Set a specific time for returning phone calls throughout the day rather than interrupting the day when it rings.
  • Set one major goal for each day that you accomplish no matter what else doesn’t get done.
  • Delegate what can be done by someone else.
  • Have a catch up day scheduled so you can let small things wait while you accomplish what is more important, knowing you will get them done later.

This tactic works whether you are bored with a day or bored with your life.  Change your thinking.  That is when you will be able to live! . . . your life to the fullest.