Do you want to succeed? Then act like it!
A basic law of success is to act as if you are going to succeed. When you begin to take action that shows you believe it will work and achieve what you desire, then something special happens. Your performance improves, you start seeing results, and then your success becomes possible.
If you simply go through the motions because you know you should and think maybe someday you will get where you want to be, then you probably won’t ever get there! You see, something triggers in your mind when you are confident and know in your heart that you will succeed. You act different and move forward.
This movement will only result in reaching your goal if you are clear about what you want. You must first establish a long-range target and have a clear vision of how it will look when you hit it. Once you have set a very specific objective, then you must determine what you can do daily to work toward it.
Daily action builds momentum. Momentum keeps you going.
Go in the direction of your dreams so you can live! . . . your life to the fullest.