You know those things you wish were different about yourself?  It may be physical – you wish your nose was shaped differently or that you were taller, or shorter.  Maybe you would like to sing better or be good at math like your brother.  You could be a slow reader or have difficulty reading at all.   Or, you may have a true handicap such as an illness, injury, loss of a limb.   Maybe it is a situation that you wish were different.

The truth is that we all have something about ourselves we would like to be different.   The good news is that you get to choose what you do with that desire.   You can be rebellious and angry about it.   You can let that one thing prevent you from enjoying life.   Keeping your focus and thoughts always on what you don’t have will drag you down.  You become what you think about.

There is another option for you.  Remember, it is your choice.  You can choose to focus on what is good about you.  And, yes, there is good.  Harry Emerson Fosdick said, “One must have the adventurous daring to accept oneself as a bundle of possibilities and undertake the most interesting game in the world – making the most of one’s best.”  Take one of your positive attributes at a time and develop and improve it.  Spending time and putting forth effort in that way will redirect your focus to the positive, and therefore turn your life around.

Start now to make the most of your best.  That is when you can live! . . . your life to the fullest.