What is yours?  What makes you look forward to getting out of bed in the morning?  What is that one thing that when you do it makes you feel strong?  Why are you on the earth at this particular time?  What difference are you making in your world?

How often do you ask yourself these questions?  Life gets so busy that our focus is often on the things we must get done today because there is another list of things waiting for tomorrow.  We live one day at a time in survival mode.  It is inevitable that we experience this for brief periods of time, but continuously living this lifestyle prevents us from truly living.

Stephen Covey shared an example in his book, Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, of how to get everything done.  The key is to put the most important items in your schedule first.  He used the demonstration of rocks in a jar.  If you put the small rocks in and then try to add the large ones, they just won’t fit no matter what you try.  However, when you put the large rocks in first, then the small ones fall into place around them.

We must determine what is most important to us, what allows us to live up to our full potential and make a difference.  Our true purpose.  The actions that fulfill our purpose are the big rocks.  When we get those actions on our schedule first, then our other responsibilities fall into place around them.

Find your purpose so you can live . . . your life to the fullest.