One of the best discoveries you can make is to find you can do what you were afraid you couldn’t do.  John Mason

How many things have you put off because you thought you couldn’t do it?  I’m sure my list would be quite long, especially if I look back at my younger years.  For many of my first 40 or more years, I wouldn’t even consider trying things that took me far outside my comfort zone.  Fear and lack of confidence held me captive far too long.

Eventually, after I began to step out and take a chance, even on the simplest of things, I found many new capabilities.  The more I did, the more I could do!

This experience changed my life!  I discovered new-found confidence and started doing higher level duties.  If I had not taken a chance, I would likely not be where I am today, and certainly would not be enjoying life as much.

What do you need to discover about yourself?  What fears are holding you back?  What is keeping you from being your best possible self?

Find out by stepping out and taking a risk.  That is how you can live! . . . your life to the fullest.