Learning is very important and something I enjoy doing. Reading books, taking courses, attending conferences, lectures, mastermind groups. These are all great ways to learn. However, learning alone will be of very little benefit unless you put what you learn into action.
I knew a man who made learning a priority. He reached his goal of reading many books. He attended conferences, took courses and joined mastermind groups. A lot of money and time was contributed to these efforts. He could tell you many facts and tactics for accomplishing his desired result. But, after this huge investment he did not achieve what he set out to do. Why? He didn’t put any of what he learned into action.
Blaise Pascal said, “All the good maxims have been written. It only remains to put them into practice.”
Education is a beautiful thing. So is seeing your dreams come true. Begin today to put into action what you know to do. That is when you will live . . . your life to the fullest.