Charlie Brown, in a Peanuts cartoon, complains to Linus about his lunch. He says that every day it is the same. Linus asks him who makes his lunch. Charlie Brown replies, “I do.”
Are you feeling bored with the same old life? If so, it is time to change something! There are probably some things that you cannot, or do not want to change. However, in order to get a different result you must perform different actions.
Sounds simple and basic, right? Then why don’t we do it? Maybe its because life is so full that there is no time to even think about what you want. Well, that is the best place to begin the change – your thoughts.
One of the greatest things you can do for yourself is to set aside a time – just three minutes per day to begin with, to intentionally be quiet and think. Don’t think about your own agenda. Let your mind rest and allow your thoughts to go deep. What is most important in your life? What brings you true meaning?
As you ponder the more valuable parts of your life, potential changes will come to mind. Begin by choosing one change and incorporating it into your day-to-day.
Change something so you can start to live . . . your life to the fullest.