I purchased a little plaque (pictured below) recently because it immediately inspired me when I saw it.  I think I’ll just be happy today.  It really is that simple, you know.

Yes, I realize that some days make it a challenge to be happy.  Those days when you wake up late and then you feel behind the remainder of the day.  And, of course, the traffic is its worst on those days and even though you rushed and got out the door at your usual time, you are still late to work.  Unexpected issues arise and you have anything but a smooth morning.  You finally sit down to eat lunch during the 10 minutes you can squeeze in.  You let out a deep breath and try to recall why you are feeling so overwhelmed.

It all started with waking up late.  What if you had only taken five seconds when you first woke up to remind yourself that this day would be what you make it.  If you had only chosen at that moment to be happy, even if circumstances did not invoke that response.

I think I’ll just be happy today.  If you will purpose in your heart to just be happy then you, too, can live! . . . your life to the fullest.