Opportunities for showing kindness are abundant.  Where are they?   Wherever there are people, that’s where.

It’s just like everything else in life.  If you look for it, you’ll find it.  Keep your eyes open for people who could use a little help.  Opening the door for someone who has their hands full, helping an elderly person unload their groceries or giving a heart-felt compliment are among the many ways to show kindness.

While you are looking for all those folks to be kind to, don’t overlook yourself.  You deserve your kindness as well.  Speak kindly and considerately to yourself.  Compliment yourself when you do well and don’t beat yourself up when you don’t.

Being kind strengthens relationships and increases overall satisfaction.  Sharing what you have – whether monetary resources, time or simply your smile – increases your sense of wellbeing.

Better relationships, wellbeing and satisfaction in life.  Sounds good.  They aren’t the reasons, however, for sharing kindness.  They are simply the byproducts.

Showing thoughtfulness and consideration for others is the right thing to do and brightens their day.  Be kind – for the sake of someone else – and you will both be happier!  And, you will be well on your way to living your life to the fullest.