Have you ever found yourself irritated with someone and wanting to lash out at them?  You didn’t, of course, because you know there is no benefit in doing that.  You did, however, have a conversation with yourself internally in which you criticized them and thought some blaming, condemning thoughts about them.

Did any of those thoughts include wondering what they might have experienced this morning that caused them to be a little off their game?  Could they have an ill family member?  Maybe they just lost a loved one to death.  Or, they could have been laid off from their job and have no way to provide for their family.

I recently saw this anonymous quote, “No matter what scales we use, we can never know the weight of another person’s burdens.”

Most people nowadays try to keep a smile on their face and go on with life – even when things are tough.  The truth is that we all go through tough times.  That is just part of life.

Why not choose to give people the benefit of the doubt?  Since we don’t know what the other person is dealing with, why not just let the situation pass and choose to be respectful and move on?

Add that one thought – what are they dealing with that caused them to act this way,  Then you will be able to live . . . your life to the fullest.