Don’t we all desire to be viewed by others in a positive way? We try hard to do things correctly and error-free. If we make a mistake, we do everything possible to correct it and prevent anyone else from knowing. Allowing our weaknesses to be seen by others is just not acceptable!
Yes, many people feel this way, but how does that affect enjoyment and fulfillment in life? This constant striving for perfection makes many people live in misery. When they make a mistake, and they will make a mistake, they become upset with themselves and often beat themselves up emotionally.
The truth is that no one is perfect – no matter how hard they may try to be. Errors, oversights, blunders . . . happen! We all miss the mark occasionally.
Does that make us less of a person? Absolutely not! In fact, if we respond in the correct way, it makes us better. What some would consider a failure is actually an opportunity. It gives us the opportunity to learn something and to grow. It makes us realize that we are human – just like everyone else in the world!
Woodrow Wilson said, “A fault which humbles a man is of more use to him than a good action which puffs him up.”
Choose humility, improvement and growth. That is when you will be able to live . . . your life to the fullest.