What does it mean to accept something or someone? The dictionary says it means to receive with favor or willingness or to take with good grace. Is that the way you feel about the situations and people in your life right now?
Do you receive with favor what is happening? Sure, it is easy to accept when things are going well – we are healthy, the bills are paid and vacation starts in two weeks. But how about during the times when your spouse is sick and irritable, the extra medical expenses are draining the bank account and your hours have been cut back at work? Do you willingly accept life then?
Life brings periods of good as well as the not so good times. If we allow our emotions to ride the roller coaster with life’s experiences, then we will not maintain the demeanor of contentment and fulfillment. If you allow yourself to feel discontentment, then you may go looking for new friends or work setting. Making these hasty decisions in a time of unhappiness can lead to much pain and sorrow down the road. However, if we choose to accept what comes our way, recognizing that it will not always be this way, then we can face life with a smile.
Now, accepting the unpredictable ups and downs of life is different from settling for just getting by rather than striving to be your best. There is always room for improvement and we should be regularly seeking ways to grow and create our best life.
If everything always went smoothly we would not know how to appreciate the profoundly good times. Lean into your best life and you will find that you are living . . . your life to the fullest.