You are a unique and special person.  No one else is just like you.  Not another person on this earth has the same exact strengths, weaknesses, abilities, personality, desires, passions or outlook as you.

Do you know what that means?  Only you can fulfill the purpose for which you were created.  It is your responsibility and privilege to give to the world what only you can give.

One of the greatest hindrances to achieving your purpose is the habit of comparing yourself with others.  Why?  Because comparing yourself with other people reduces your own self-confidence.  If you see yourself as equally good or better than a cohort, then you are likely to feel content and not continue to pursue what you know down deep you are capable of doing.  Alternatively, if you see yourself as less than the other person, you may conclude that you can’t actually achieve your dream and thus give up pursuit of it.  Either way, the act of comparing yourself with someone else has defeated you.

The fact is, there is no comparison.  Your uniqueness cannot be compared to that of another person.  The only comparison you can authentically make is to compare yourself with you – with your potential.  Are you getting better?  Are you achieving your goals?

Protect yourself from the intimidating tendency to compare yourself with others so you can live . . . your life to the fullest.