Two executives in the same organization were having disagreements. After thinking about a particularly troubling issue throughout the night, the first one wrote a letter to the other executive outlining his thoughts as reasonably as possible. He gave it to the other person and asked him to read it later and suggested that after they both had time to work through their anger, they could discuss it.
The following day the first executive stopped by the office of the other and asked how it went. The second one admitted that he was very upset at first, but after thinking through it he realized that most of their disagreement was due to a lack of understanding. He stated that he felt if they could discuss it without losing their tempers, they could work things out. That is exactly what they did.
Abraham Lincoln was known for writing two letters when he needed to communicate with someone who had irritated him. He first wrote a letter that harshly laid out just what he thought. Then he tore up that letter and wrote a second one that was appropriate and tactful. That is the letter he sent.
Effective communication is key to any relationship. When we allow ourselves to become emotional and react immediately to what we feel without thinking, emotions overwhelm the situation and prevent true communication.
Step back, think, evaluate what happened or what was said, ask clarifying questions if needed. Then, you can respond appropriately.
Don’t let emotional overwhelm control your life. Instead, choose to think and process internally whatever comes your way before externally responding. That is when you will be able to live . . . your life to the fullest.