Daydream. Really.
It is a proven fact that allowing your mind to take a break from focusing on something periodically throughout the day causes your brain to function at a higher level. The brain is actually designed to “reboot” every few minutes.
Spending even just a couple minutes daydreaming or brainstorming at regular intervals results in overall capability for deeper thinking, greater imagination and more creativity. It also improves the ability to learn and remember. It is simply good for brain and mental health.
That sounds like good news, however many people find it quite difficult to do. This break in directed thought excludes the use of social media, email, books or television. It requires spending time alone with your thoughts, which is not easy nowadays with all the information available at our fingertips – literally.
A study done at Harvard found that being alone with your thoughts is considered unpleasant. The study included participants between the ages of 18 and 77. They found it difficult to spend even 6 to 15 minutes alone.
Take a break. Let your mind wander. Think. Then you will be better equipped to live . . . your life to the fullest.