Today is Labor Day and I have been busy most of the day. As I completed projects at home, I found myself becoming more and more motivated.
You would expect to get increasingly tired with each hour of work, but I found myself experiencing the opposite. Why was I more excited about what I was accomplishing as the time passed by?
The reason is that while I was cleaning the porch and doing laundry and cooking, I was also catching up on my podcasts. I don’t think it’s possible to slow down when you are listening to recordings of Zig Ziglar! His natural way of encouraging still keeps me enthusiastic. His principles and strategies are still changing lives even though his life on earth has ended.
Keeping our mind focused and controlled is vital to success. We become what we think about. When we keep positive, encouraging and educational information flowing through our mind, then we continue to move forward into the life we desire.
Be intentional about what you feed your mind so you can reap a rich harvest. That is when you can truly live your life to the fullest.