The story is told about an elderly man who lived in a small apartment. He was considered in the community to be a cheapskate. He was known to have plenty of money yet was not seen spending it on anything but his own bare necessities.
After he passed away, thousands of coins were found hidden throughout his home. It turns out that the man enjoyed taking long walks through town and helping people by putting money in parking meters that had expired. It also became public that he was funding college expenses for young men who otherwise could not afford it.
Why are we so often quick to judge other people? It’s like our minds are set to automatically think poorly of anyone who we perceive to be different from us.
I propose that we adopt a new mindset and let our default thinking of others be positive. What we think is our choice. Why not choose to appreciate people and naturally assume the best?
Assume the best of others so you can live . . . your life to the fullest.