Christmas is the time for joy, fellowship, fun, socializing, showing loved ones we care by giving thoughtful gifts. There are many parties, dinners, programs, concerts. Traditions such as caroling, looking at Christmas lights, family gatherings, watching Christmas movies, baking. These special activities create memories that can last a lifetime. But what about those who only have memories and very little else.
While it may be a fun, busy, exciting time of year for you this year, there are others who are experiencing their first holiday season without their special loved one. Or, someone else may be suffering from an illness that could result in this being their last Christmas with their family. Others may have lost their long-term job and cannot afford the fun experiences they have provided for their family in past years.
Most people include in their Christmas festivities a time for helping the needy by giving toys to Toys for Tots, providing a meal to those in rehab or singing Christmas carols to the elderly in the nursing home. But what about that person who doesn’t fit into any of these categories. The one who you pass in the grocery store aisle and assume is enjoying the season like you are. The one who feels alone and longs for the new year – not because of the fresh start – but because they can’t bear the pain of this season.
It is easy to get so caught up in the season that we lose sight of what is truly important.
Keeping our focus on the true meaning of the time of year is what is most important. Jesus was born to live and fulfill His purpose to bring us life and hope and peace. He brought these wonderful blessings to us so we can share them with others.
Just a reminder during this beautiful time of year. Take the time to notice the people you encounter. If you really pay attention,you might just recognize an opportunity to do a little something extra for someone you don’t even know. Pay for a meal. Pay for the groceries of the person in line ahead of you or behind you. Give a smile and a friendly word. You never know how much such a gesture might mean to the other person.
‘Tis the season. Make it count so you can live . . . your life to the fullest.