The most wonderful time of the year.  The season when we celebrate our Savior’s birth.  A time when we are more aware of the needs of others around us.  We are naturally more giving.  We set aside time to be with the people who are most important to us.   

This special day may be different for each individual.  Some are working at their job and looking forward to leaving early.  Some are at home preparing food and getting their house ready for family to celebrate tomorrow.  Others may have already done this preparation and today is the big day of celebration. 

I heard someone say yesterday that they had already done their Christmas.  Today might be a day of rest and relaxation for them.  Still others, such as healthcare professionals and those who protect us such as firefighters and police officers, may be working today and tomorrow.

Family traditions are important and vary by family.  They even change as family dynamics change.  Our times for gatherings are different for my family this year.  I am usually very busy preparing for my family to be at my house on the evening of Christmas Eve, but today I am more leisurely looking forward to visiting my nephew’s home this afternoon instead.  Our Christmas Day lunch will be dinner in the evening this year. 

The day and time that we gather is not what is important.  Being together, loving one another, giving and receiving in love and appreciation.  That is what matters.

Wishing you and yours a beautiful Christmas Eve and a blessed and merry Christmas as you live . . . your life to the fullest