“If you have knowledge, let others light their candles at it.”   This quotation from Margaret Fuller, American Journalist, states an inspiration that I live by.

I enjoy reading books and listening to podcasts.  This stretches my thinking and helps me grow personally.  The best part of learning for me, however, is getting to share what I learn.  Hence, the reason for what I do.  Life and health coaching, workshops, speaking and mentoring all allow me the opportunity to share in a way that helps other people.  Whether it’s walking alongside someone as they establish and achieve their goals or presenting information to a group that spurs new ideas for them to implement.  Helping people learn and advance is what it is about for me.  My purpose.

Seeing transformation in someone’s life brings so much fulfillment to me.  That is the result of living out your purpose.  I want to see other people have this amazing experience of living out their purpose as well.

I was playing a game with a group of ladies recently.  It was interesting for me to see their surprised expressions when my answer to a question revealed how public speaking makes me feel uncomfortable.  “But that’s what you do!” they said.

Living with purpose often takes us outside our comfort zone.  That is part of what makes it fulfilling.  If we aren’t stretched, we aren’t becoming better.  Similar to a rubber band – it rarely serves its intended purpose unless it is stretched.

Find and fulfill your purpose in life so you can live . . . your life to the fullest.