A psychologist asked a group of students to write down the initials of people they disliked. Some students could only think of one person while other students had as many as fourteen on their list. Do you know what was most interesting about this little study? The students with the longest lists were the ones who were themselves most disliked by others.
We reap what we sow.
Having friends in your life is not about you – it’s about them. Proverbs 18:24 tells us clearly how to have a friend. Simply be a friend. Show yourself friendly.
One way to show yourself friendly is to take time to truly listen. Have a real conversation – not just a quick “how are you doing” as you pass in the hallway. Time is valuable. Sharing yours with someone else makes them feel valued.
Doing a kind deed is another way to show yourself friendly. Simply acknowledging another person can change their day.
Everyone needs to feel accepted and appreciated. A small gesture can bring large results.
How many people are on your disliked list? Be a friend so you can live . . . your life to the fullest.