“If they gave rewards for finding fault, some people would get rich quick.”  I ran across this anonymous quotation recently and it really got me thinking.

Have you ever known a person like this?  Nothing is ever good enough for them.  It’s too hot, or too cold.  If it’s summer they wish for winter.  The music is too loud – or not loud enough.

They nitpick every little thing – even things that really don’t make a difference in the long run.  It appears that they are just simply unhappy.

Hmmm, maybe it isn’t about the weather at all.   You see, it really doesn’t matter what is going on around us.  Whether we perceive current life circumstances to be good or bad, it is up to us how we respond.  It is about our personal attitude.

Don’t allow yourself to be seen as that person who is getting rich from rewards for finding fault.  Instead, choose to respond in a positive manner.  That is when you will be able to live . . . your life to the fullest.