Being called ignorant is not usually considered favorable. However, the state of awareness of ignorance is a stepping stone to knowledge.
Ignorance is simply a lack of knowledge or awareness of a particular subject or fact. A person defined as ignorant does not mean they are less intelligent than anyone else. It means they are unaware, uninformed, or possibly inaccurately-informed of a particular thing.
I know a lot of things and have had experience in different areas. However, I am also ignorant of many things. For instance, I would be in some kind of trouble if fixing my car if it stops running was left up to me. I thoroughly enjoy learning about personalities and the similarities and differences of individuals. I have some knowledge and understanding in those areas.
Although I am totally fascinated with God’s incredible creation of the human body, the scientific details of what makes it function properly is not an area of knowledge that I seek out. In fact, just thinking about organs and such that keep me alive kind of grosses me out. I am one of those people who has to cover their eyes when those show up unexpectedly during a television show.
I often hear the phrase, “They don’t know what they don’t know.” This is true of all of us at times. It’s those folks who don’t acknowledge their own ignorance who may need to pay a little more attention. It is when we become aware that we can correct the situation.
Recognize your ignorance and seek the necessary knowledge. That is when you will be able to live . . . your life to the fullest.