One of my clients just couldn’t wait to tell me about her baggy pants!  I’m not sure if it would make you happy, but she certainly was.  It wasn’t so much about the clothing, but what it represented.

You see, this woman has made extreme changes in her eating habits for the purpose of achieving a weight loss goal.  These new habits have resulted in her feeling energetic, strong and confident.  As she gradually dropped weight, she had purchased smaller pants.  Now they are baggy!

The need to buy even smaller pants represents progress.  Improvement comes slowly.  It takes doing the new habits day after day for extended periods of time to begin seeing results.  Some days you might think you will never reach your goal.  It feels so difficult.  Is it really worth all this discomfort?  When will things ever change?

Allow me to assure you that it is worth it!  Whether your goal is weight loss or something else entirely, choose to be aware and recognize every little bit of improvement.  Celebrate even the smallest achievements.

Be happy about baggy pants and live . . . your life to the fullest.