A potentate demanded a thousand bees be killed and their stings brought to him because one of the colony had stung royalty.  The king was amazed when all the stings were brought to him in a tiny thimble.  He was so astonished they created such a small amount that he issued a declaration stating no one in the kingdom should complain about a bee sting.

The moral of the story?  Little annoyances become big problems because we exaggerate them in our mind.  So often we allow the tiniest irritant to make us respond in a way that causes much pain and suffering.  Angry words and selfish behaviors exacerbate the situation.  Creating a mountain from a molehill.

Make a declaration of your own.  No more oversized reactions to every little disappointment you encounter.  Pay attention to your thoughts; they create your actions, and therefore, your future.

Consider the size of that irritation before you respond.  Then you will be able to live . . . your life to the fullest.