Four weeks ago in the post entitled New Growth I shared about the plant in the picture on the left. The picture on the right was taken today. Same plant. The difference?
Obviously the plant has grown significantly. But do you notice another difference? The plant was in my sunroom inside the house in the first picture. It is outside on the screened porch now, and has been for awhile.
Do I believe the plant would have grown if I had left it inside? Yes, I do. Do I believe it has grown more outside than it would have inside? Yes, I do.
You see, a plant’s natural environment is outside. Some have been bred in a way that helps them live inside so we can enjoy the beauty of houseplants. I carry my plants inside when the temperature drops in the winter and then bring them out in the Spring. It is very obvious to me that my plants are much happier on the deck than in the sunroom (as long as I remember to water them more frequently). They survive inside, but they thrive and grow outside.
Environment matters just as much to us as it does to the plant. Think about the situation we are living in right now. Some people are working from home when they were accustomed to working in an office downtown. Others are working in the same location, just much harder and for longer hours. Still others are not working at all because they have been laid off or terminated. Talk about a change in environment!
How is your environment? Are you in a place where you receive support and encouragement from those around you? Or, do you live with negativity that drags you down? Are you reading, listening to and watching information that causes you to be better? Do you look for opportunities to help someone else and share your blessings?
Some things about your environment may not be immediately changeable. But some things are – and it is up to you to begin the process of needed change.
Make your environment the best possible. That is when you can live . . . your life to the fullest.