Have you ever faced a problem that just seemed to be never-ending?  Maybe a closer look will reveal a simple solution.

We often become bogged down with the pressures of life.  Things don’t go as planned.  Finances are lacking.  Family or personal illness.  Relationship difficulties.  Employment issues.  Currently just the changes due to the virus situation have added stress and pain to a lot of people.

This quotation from Dr. Robert Schuller really makes you stop and think.  “Again and again the impossible problem is solved when we see that the problem is only a tough decision waiting to be made.”

The truth is that our life is built on the choices we have made.  The best thing I have found to do when I am feeling stuck is to change something.

Make a decision.  Move forward.  Solve the problem.  Then you will be able to live . . . your life to the fullest.